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What I believe

Generally speaking, the main truths that I believe are what every born again, Bible believing Christian believes. I believe in the trinity of the Godhead as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I believe salvation is by grace through faith, because the blood of Jesus has been shed for bearing the penalty of my sins. No one can earn salvation by being good, doing good deeds, being religious, etc. Our sins are forgiven when we acknowledge our sins, repent from them and thankfully accept the sacrifice that Jesus has borne on our behalf.

With regard to my belief I am like the Brethren and the Baptists in repecting the word of God but avoiding dry intellectualism without the Spirit, like the pentecostals and charismatics in doctrine and experience with respect to the Holy Spirit but avoiding the extremes of practice through checking with the Bible, orthodox in that I avoid new fangled ideas by checking with the word of God, and anti-traditional in that I discard mere tradition that has no support in the word of God.

I believe in water baptism of a born again believer who testifies thereby what God has done already in his life. When he goes down into water he shows that his old life has been buried, and when he comes out of the water he testifies that he has come into a new, resurrected life with Jesus.

Jesus baptises believers in His Holy Spirit and endows them with different gifts of the Sprit to equip them for the particular ministry He has for each one in His Body, which is the church. The main manifestation of this is power to be His witnesses.

The New Testament church is a gathering of born again children of God who have become spiritual brothers and sisters to one another and to Jesus Christ who is the Eldest Brother. Jesus is the Head of the church. The church is to function as a body where each member contributes something towards its growth.

The power of the Holy Spirit strengthens us so that when we are tempted to yield to some desire in the flesh, we can put that desire to death. God's desire for His children is to live in victory from day to day. However if we fall into sin accidentally He will forgive us if we confess and forsake it.

Whatever mess people may get into, the grace of God is sufficient to deliver us out of them all. But if we try to fool around with sin or the world, we cannot fool God, and we will have to reap what we sow. Every one of us has to give an account to God for everything we say and do.

I believe that Jesus is going to come again to the earth very soon. All those who are waiting for Him will do their best to be ready to receive Him and to be received by Him.

I believe in the sovereignty of God along with a limited free will for man. God offers us everything good and warns us about the consequences of wrong decisions. But He does not force us to choose what He wants, but gives us the freedom to decide. Once we make a choice, automatically we also get its consequences.

I suppose you sort of get the picture now. You can understand things better if you read the articles I have written. Of course, I know there are many issues on which Christians quibble with one another. But I don't want to enter into that never ending type of arguments, even though I have my own opinions about those issues. My desire is to live entirely for One who loved me and gave Himself for me and to do my best to encourage others also in that way.

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