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Pointers along the way #361

Through many troubles
- Jacob Ninan

Many preachers give a wrong impression to people when they promise a trouble free life to those who come to Jesus, in spite of the fact that Jesus said that we would have much trouble in this world (Jn.16:33). As a result many are confused when trouble hits them. Then the preachers chip in to tell them that there must be some sin in their life or that they don't have enough faith! To add insult to the injury! Some believers falsely believe that if they claim the blood of Jesus and anoint the doors and windows of their house with oil then no demon would enter there. Some even believe that if they kept a Bible under their pillow they would not have any bad dreams. If things were so simple!

Trouble is a part of this life. We live in a sin corrupted world which produces its sicknesses and calamities. The majority of people in the world are still serving their father, the devil (1Jn.3:10), and we suffer from their evil deeds. Even though we are born again, we still have a flesh with its lusts and desires because of which many times we think, say and do stupid and sinful things, unknowingly and sometimes even knowingly, and we suffer the consequences. Satan and his demons are always on the look out to harass, deceive and turn us away from God (1Pe.5:8). We just can't avoid trouble, one way or another.

God has allowed the devil to be alive and this kind of trouble to exist so that through it all we can grow up into the stature of Christ (2Cor.4:17). Our helplessness in the face of difficulty draws us closer to God, and teaches us not to place any confidence in ourselves but to cling on to Him. Our search for wisdom to handle difficulties leads us to understand God and His ways better. We get to know 'what is in man' and get better equipped to deal with our own issues and have better inter-personal skills. In the whole process our character is being slowly moulded to become like that of Jesus.

At the same time we are not looking for trouble or eagerly waiting for it. Nevertheless when it comes our way we know who to turn to. We don't ask God why out of bitterness or complaint, but we ask Him, "What are You trying to teach me, Lord? What do you want me to do now, Lord?"

Whatever be our trouble, we have God's promise that He will be with us always without leaving our side (Mt.28:20;He.13:5). We are also comforted to know that Jesus is interceding for us just then (He.7:25;1Jn.2:1). Sometimes He will take us out of the trouble, and sometimes He will walk with us through the trouble. We can trust Him to know when to do what. That kind of trust will be our strength as we wait to see what He will do. It is natural that we would want all troubles to be removed. But by faith we will leave the decision to Him because we know He loves us and will always do what is best for us. Jesus had His natural desires in Gethsemane, but He left the choice to the Father (Lk.22:42). This is what the three young men also did before the fiery furnace (Da.3:17,18).


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