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  Comfort & Counsel
  The Great Bible Story #1
In the beginning, God

Jacob Ninan
Even before God created time, He was there. He is God, without beginning or end. He exists independently of everything else, and nothing exists today that He has not created. In eternity past, when there was nothing else apart from God, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit enjoyed a wonderful relationship together. When we think about it we can understand that this one and only God, even when there was nothing else besides Him, was not lonely because they were together, the Father, the Son and the Spirit! This mysterious existence, where the one and only God exists as a trinity -- three different persons, is not something any man has thought up, but this is something God has revealed to us from His side. We know it is beyond our small mind to understand what this really means, or how it works out in practical details, but we believe it because that is what God has told us through His word, the Bible. Now we know the Son by His name Jesus. But He was not called 'the Son' because He was God's son through a mother, but because He was designated as the Son. The Father, the Son and the Spirit are all equally God, and together they are but one God. They work together with individual roles without clash of personality or opinion. There is a oneness of heart and mind in this relationship that is the pattern for human beings to seek after, who are different as individuals but who are to aim to become one in heart and mind.

Everything we see around us was created by God from the nothingness that was there at one time. God is almighty, infinitely so, and He can do whatever He chooses to do. He character is perfect in every way, lovely in all its details -- righteous, just, impartial, loving, merciful, patient and compassionate. Like light without any darkness at all. Obviously He will never do anything that is contrary to His nature. He is a spirit being, meaning that He does not have any material form. He is unconstrained by space and time, meaning He is everywhere at the same time. He knows everything, and since He created time along with everything else, and He Himself is outside of time, we can see from our point of view that He knows everything about the past, the present and the future.

He is perfect. Whatever He does is perfect, without fault. Nothing He does can be done better. In other words, we can be sure that He will always do what is most perfect. Once we know this, it is easy for us to trust Him and His word.

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