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Pointers along the way #760

Defining moments

- Jacob Ninan

Think of when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son and he was willing. That was the test that put Abraham on the top of God's list of faithful people at that time (Ge.22:16-18). This was a defining moment for Abraham which God brought before him suddenly, but whose significance Abraham probably didn't recognise. Another such moment was when young Joseph was enticed by his master's wife and he ran from her (Ge.39:9). On the negative side we can think of how David fell when he saw Bathsheba, how Rehoboam decided to ignore the advice of the elders, and many other examples. They too didn't recognise the far-reaching impact of such choices they made.

Maybe, looking back, we too can identify such defining moments in our life. Certain specific good choices we made have turned out to be pivotal direction-setters in our life. Perhaps there are also moments where we have made choices that have affected us catastrophically. Probably, when we were facing such choices we were not aware what great things were hinged on those choices. Now, in hindsight, we may wish that we could remake those choices. But that can never be.

If we have made wrong choices, it is not as if it is all over for us even though it might look like that to us. If only we would humble ourselves and acknowledge our mistakes to God, He will have a Plan B for us. But a lot of people look only at the crumbling of Plan A and are unable to see that with a merciful God there is always a way to turn our mistakes to produce something good (Ro.8:28). In repentance and rest we can be saved, but many are not willing (Is.30:15). They are overwhelmed by the damage to their ego and find themselves unable to trust God.

These defining moments present to us a choice between God and something else – pleasure, wealth, name before people, human relationships, etc. Usually this choice comes before our mind privately without other people even knowing what is going on. That makes it look easier for us to give in secretly to the temptation thinking that no one would know. Nowadays, because of the preaching of false grace, we are also tempted to think that we can get away with it because God is gracious! But it is finally with God that we have to deal (Ro.14:10,12). He takes note of every choice we make to put Him first in our life before people and things. He will reward each one also justly and without partiality.

Even though we cannot fully anticipate the result of our choices we have to realise that it will turn out to be best for us now and in eternity if we are determined to stand true to God in every situation. It doesn't also need much wisdom to know that every time we sacrifice God's will in order to choose our own pleasure we stand to lose heavily. May we ask God for understanding and help in choosing Him and His ways at all times, no matter what the cost appears to be, because it is certain that the cost of compromise will certainly be far greater and irreversible.


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