Forgiveness was great even under the old covenant, where the animal sacrifices could not actually wash away sins but only cover them (Ps.32:1,2). These sacrifices were only an intermediate step till the Lamb of God was sacrificed on the cross for the sins of the whole world (Jn.1:29). But even then, it was a great blessing to get to the place where God would stop imputing sin.
But when we come to the new covenant, we see that whatever God had to do to provide for our salvation got finished when Jesus died on the cross (Jn.19:30). The wrath of God which was due to fall on us because of our many sins was transferred to Jesus when He suffered and died in our place, and shed His blood (Mt.26:28). When our sins were punished with death – when our sins were placed on Jesus as He hung on the cross and then He suffered death on our behalf – the requirements of God's justice were completely met. We receive forgiveness freely, without any penance or self-inflicted punishment, when we repent from our sins and go to God. It is truly an unmerited favour God shows towards us when we identify with Jesus as our sacrificial substitute and Saviour. God has washed us to become white like snow and there is no more record of sin anywhere to accuse us (Is.1:18;Co.2:14).
When this transaction has been completed between us and God, we can boldly take the assurance that there is now no more condemnation for us (Ro.8:1). The old devil, who is also called the accuser of the brothers, may trouble us again and again reminding us of our sins and making us doubt if our sins have been truly forgiven. But we should only remind ourselves that when we have confessed our sins, God has certainly done His part to forgive us (1Jn.1:9). It is not even necessary that we have to confess every sin that we have ever done to receive forgiveness, because no one can even remember all of them, but to realise that when we go to God acknowledging ourselves as sinners in His sight, He forgives 'all' our sins (v.7).
Another tactic of the devil is to accuse us whenever something bad happens to us, saying that it must be because of some sin in our life. But the fact is, when God accepts us as His children because of our faith in Jesus, His wrath towards our sins has already been totally removed (Ro.5:8,9). That is how complete God's salvation is. God has promised us clearly that once He has forgiven us, He is not going to hold our past sins against us any more (He.8:12). That is the meaning of justification – when the righteousness of Jesus is credited to our account and now in God's books, it is just as if we had never sinned (Ro.5:1).
At the same time, God knows that after we have received this forgiveness we might fall into sin again. That is why He has already made the provision for our confession and forgiveness (1Jn.2:1).
It is when we open ourselves completely before God and know that He has forgiven us, that we get boldness in our mind. That is to walk in the light.
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