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Pointers along the way #950

Do we have to get baptised?

- Jacob Ninan

You can listen to this on YouTube

There are some things we can learn from the story of Abraham's faith and circumcision. Do read Romans 4 slowly and understand the principle. No one is good or righteous enough to be accepted by God because His righteousness is perfect. We receive salvation as an unmerited gift from God through faith when God credits the righteousness of Jesus to us. It was that way for Abraham too. Then, circumcision was a sign of the covenant that God had entered into with Abraham.

Many people who have not understood the concept of grace seem to imagine that water baptism is a step they should go through in order to receive salvation, not realising that, like circumcision following Abraham's faith and God's acceptance, baptism is only to be a mark of having received salvation from God. For those who have not yet experienced salvation, baptism is meaningless, taking the form of a ritual. The symbolism behind baptism, of our old life being buried with Christ, and the 'resurrection' life which He gives us now, is totally irrelevant to those who have not experienced that (Ro.6:4).

Many others who think they have been 'baptised' as babies do not realise that it was done without their choice at all, and that at that time they had no knowledge of God or experience of salvation. Also, that ritual has no magical power to make people Christians.

Another sad thing that happens is that in many families of believing parents, it is expected that children need to get baptised as they come to a certain age. Many times the young people comply due to the pressure from parents and peers, before they are really born again. Then they assume things are fine, but without the true experience.

Just as Abraham believed first and then got circumcised, it is faith that should come in our heart first. This faith is not just a mental acceptance of certain truths, but consisting of seeing ourselves as hopeless sinners before God, turning away from our life of sin to God, and putting our trust in Jesus as the One who provides this salvation to us through His death. Then God responds by forgiving our sins and giving us the seed of His life in our heart. It is when we have experienced this, that we can assure ourselves that we have begun to enjoy His salvation. It is then that we are fit to testify to our experience before others through baptism. The Bible teaches us that baptism is also a way of expressing our determination to live for God keeping a good conscience (1Pe.3:21).

In coming as our Forerunner, identifying with us and showing us an example, Jesus took the effort to get baptised in water. He was born of God, and He did not need to earn any salvation, but He did this to tell us that it is an important step for us to follow. He also made it a part of His Great Commission. It is not to be a speciality of certain denominations. Things are clear enough if only we would set aside traditions and men's arguments, and seek to obey God (Mt.28:19,20).

Pointers are available in YouTube audio from #789.


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