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Pointers along the way #993

Believers without wedding dress

- Jacob Ninan

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In the parable about the wedding feast, Jesus mentions a man who was thrown out of the wedding place into outer darkness because he had not come in wedding clothes (Mt.22:11-13). What can we learn from this? In another place, Jesus said that shepherds who did not enter through the gate of the sheepfold but climbed in some other way would be thieves (Jn.10:1). Though these two things are different, the idea that we can take from the second example is that there is a proper way to enter into God's presence. In the case of the wedding feast, it involved being properly dressed for the event. If we understand that participating in the marriage feast of the Lamb is only for those who have become a part of His bride, what we need to learn is that there is a proper way to become that (Re.19:7,8). Even though the invitation is open to all, we also must know that not everyone is finally able to enter (Lk.13:24).

We must be concerned that because of the variety of ideas which people have about entering into salvation, there is a strong possibility that many who think they have become children of God are mistaken. We can imagine their shock on the final day of judgment when they find that their names are not there in the Lamb's Book of Life (Re.21:27). This may include even some who have been active in the church (Mt.7:22,23).

It is clear as we read through the whole Bible that God's goal in offering us salvation is to save or to deliver us from sin (Mt.1:21). Adam and Eve lost their access to God and fellowship with Him when they made a choice to ignore the warning of God, believe Satan instead, disobey God's command, and opt for an independent life. The salvation God offers us is meant to restore us to what God had planned for man before sin came. Can we see that if that is to happen, we have to now make choices to trust Him, obey Him and live our life according to His wishes? What happens to those who 'just believe', 'accept Jesus', 'get baptised', 'join a church', etc.?

Some people believe that when they came to Jesus, they have been robed with the righteousness of Jesus (Is.61:10). But, obviously, 'how' they came to God is crucial, isn't it? If they have not 'entered through the gate of the sheepfold but climbed in some other way', they are going to be rejected in the way, shocking as it will be, as in the case of the guest at the wedding without the wedding clothes. What does it mean to have the wedding clothes?

The robe of the righteousness of Jesus is given to people who exchange it for their filthy garments of sin and self-righteousness. When such people hear the Gospel, they are cut to their heart as they see their sinfulness before God (Ac.2:37). They see that there is absolutely no way by which they can qualify for God. They are willing to acknowledge their sinful state to God and beg for forgiveness. They decide to turn from their sinful life to God. Without such repentance, 'faith' will be useless!

Pointers are available in YouTube audio from #789.


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