We know that there are many false teachings going around, but sometimes we can also detect some common trends underlying some teachings. Let us look at four different examples in which we are tempted to absolve ourselves of the responsibility that God has given us. God has created us in His image, and He expects us to be responsible people who live in such a way that we will be ready to give an account to Him for everything we do with our life (Ro.14:12).
As a result of the sinful inclinations we have in our flesh which we have inherited from Adam and Eve, we are tempted every day in many ways to please ourselves and sin against God (Ja.1:14). After Adam and Eve sinned, they did not own their own responsibility for what they had done, and blamed each other. If we do not admit our sin, but try to find excuses or justifications for it, we cannot even receive forgiveness for it. The starting point for our salvation is when we acknowledge our sins and our sinfulness and admit our need for the Saviour (Je.3:13).
After God forgives us and adopts us as His children, He expects us to take responsibility for making the right choices in every situation in our life. We need wisdom to know what to do, and the strength to do it. Isn't it our responsibility to ask God for these and then finally carry out His will? Many times we see that our situation has come up because of foolish decisions we have made in the past, and then we have to take steps to repent and start doing the right thing. But a great deception here is to just pray and tell the Lord about our situation and expect Him to take the responsibility for miraculously sorting out our problems!
Another thing that looks very humble is to tell our pastor about our problem and then expect him to tell us what to do through his prayers. Some of us are also willing to join in fasting and praying for this. But if we are not willing to do what we need to do from our side to humbly recognise our sins and mistakes, correct them, and learn new ways to deal with life, we are likely to be disappointed with the pastor's prayers! I see this often when couples come for marriage counselling, but instead of changing their old ways, they expect that just because they have come for counselling, they will experience healing in their marriage.
Haven't you heard people complaining about a teacher being unfair and not giving them proper marks, a boss showing partiality and not giving them promotion, people cursing them or doing black magic against them, etc., as the reason for not doing well? Isn't this a common way of shaking off their own responsibility for doing well in life, and blaming everything, everyone and God Himself for all that goes wrong for them?
Of course we ought to ask God and people for help because none of us is sufficient for oneself. But then that does not excuse us from taking responsibility for what happens in our life and doing what we ought to do from our side!
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