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Pointers along the way #1035

Called and chosen

- Jacob Ninan

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When we hear the Gospel, that is how God calls us. Not everyone who hears, responds to God in faith. In the parable of the king who invited many people for his son's wedding feast, many of them did not turn up! Then Jesus gave us this warning, "For many are called, but few are chosen" (Mt.22:14). And then, is responding to the Gospel enough? "Those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful” (Re.22:14). After God forgives us and adopts us as His children, He expects us to be faithful to Him and walk according to His ways. It is to save us from our sins and to help us to live lives that are pleasing to Him that He gives us this call. Jesus goes on to say, "Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved" (Mt.24:12,13).

Sad to say, for many Christians, this kind of a presentation of the truths of the Bible seems to be harsh, legalistic and going against the Gospel of grace. They have only heard of the love of God, His mercy, grace, longsuffering, etc., and verses such as the above do not seem to fit with that impression of God. They have heard about God as coming with unconditional love and offering us eternal life! Now they don't like someone telling them that they need to be faithful, along with the hidden threat that if not, they may get lost again. The problem is that many have not actually heard a full presentation of the Gospel of the love of God to undeserving sinners in a way that calls them to repentance and faith in the Saviour. Many have been told that Jesus is waiting to come into their lives, solve all their problems, heal all their sicknesses and bless them with wealth, prosperity, promotion, the pleasures of life, etc.

The blood of all those who have been deceived like this by attracting them to Christ with this kind of offers will be certainly on those preachers who falsified the Gospel for the sake of money or fame (Ez.33:6). The reason why many people are leaving the church and going back into the world after coming in recently is that they came to realise that they have been conned into accepting Jesus with false promises which they now have seen through!

God's love is offered to all people. But all are not therefore saved automatically. Only those who see themselves as sinners, repent from their sins and give their lives over to Jesus and follow Him in order to obey Him will receive forgiveness. This is all involved in putting our faith in Jesus. If they fall into sin afterwards, they need to confess it to God and receive forgiveness, implying that they do not want to sin again (Ps.130:4;1Jn.2:1). God watches every part of our lives (Pr.15:3). If we neglect to be faithful to God in every part of our life, including our thoughts and motives, and assume that God's grace will cover us and His love will finally take us to heaven, we deceive ourselves (2Ti.2:11-13). God cannot deny His holiness or righteousness.

Pointers are available in YouTube audio from #789.


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