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Pointers along the way #1064

Confusion about salvation

- Jacob Ninan

You can listen to this on YouTube

We can't afford to be confused about our salvation because it affects our life now and also our eternity. The most common mistake is for someone to think that he has to earn his salvation by following some laws or rituals. The wrong things we have already done and the punishment they deserve from the holy and just God will rule out this possibility, and we have to conclude that no one can be 'saved' in this way. The good news that Jesus brings is that God is aware of this, and that He now brings salvation available to everyone who will own up to their sins and receive salvation as a free gift of grace from God because Jesus has made it ready by taking our punishment on Himself.

One confusion at this point is about what salvation offers. Different people think of it as forgiveness of sins, going to heaven when they die, getting God to provide for all their needs, etc. But the Bible explains the truth, "She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins" (Mt.1:21). To be 'saved' from our sins is more than any of the above aspects. It is to be delivered from every aspect of sin in our life. For example, when we experience salvation, sin will lose its power over us (Ro.6:14). God's goal is that we should be able to stop sinning (1Jn.2:1). God wants to save us from sinning and make us like Him in our character (2Pe.1:3,4). We can experience this in an increasing manner.

Now the question comes up about how to obtain this salvation. We must keep in mind that it is a gift from God which we don't earn (Ep.2:8,9). But how shall we receive it? There are many places in the Bible that tell us that we receive this through faith or believing, which is correct. But it is obvious that what we believe is critical. Some are confused here thinking that they are safe as long as they have faith, irrespective of what they believe. What we believe has to be true! If what we believe is false, how can that save us?

Salvation is from sin because sin is what separated Adam and Eve from God. God wants to become our Father and give us the possibility to have fellowship with Him (1Jn.1:3). We can't have fellowship with Him if we are going on sinning. If we recognise ourselves as sinners, we turn away from our old way of life (repent) and receive the sacrifice of Jesus for taking away our sin from God's sight. We also understand that we were in a life of sin before because we had been living our life independent of God, pleasing ourselves and doing whatever we liked. When we come back to God asking for salvation, we can't continue to live as before. We must bring our life under God's authority, choosing now onwards to live as He wants (2Co.5:14,15).

Many people hold up verses about faith and believing, and say that repentance and submission to God are not necessary to receive salvation. But think of it. Without repentance and wanting to obey God, how can they say they believe in Jesus?

Pointers are available in YouTube audio from #789.

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