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Pointers along the way #1065

Taking a horse to the water

- Jacob Ninan

You can listen to this on YouTube

You may have heard the proverb, "You can take a horse to the water, but you can't make it drink!" Many people are invited to the church, using different ways to attract them, but many don't take the spiritual nourishment that is offered there. The leaders try to arrange different programmes for the children, teenagers, youth, men and women, but even though people come for fun things, many of them have practically little interest in Bible study, prayer, learning how to overcome their sins, serving others, etc. It is frustrating to watch all the effort being put into drawing people to the water, but very few actually drinking!

Why would anyone lack interest in drinking water, to use the same metaphor? Because they are not thirsty. Think of offering people living water freely, without cost, and they don't feel thirsty for it. Actually everyone needs this living water, without which they are dead in sin, away from God. We would imagine that when it is offered to them, they would be very eager to drink more and more of it. But a lot of people are not interested in drinking it, because they are not thirsty for that water. They are only trying to fill themselves with fun and games, from programme to programme, even though they will still be thirsty after they drink that. "Jesus answered and said to her, 'Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life'" (Jn.4:13,14).

Isn't this because such people have not been awakened from their spiritual sleep? They have not seen themselves as sinners who desperately need salvation. That is why they are not looking for living water. But they assume they are Christians because they come to church and they enjoy many things there, such as good music, nice and short messages, opportunity to make friends, etc. When they come, they are warmly welcomed and made to feel at home. In some churches, their talents are quickly identified and they are given suitable responsibilities so that they will feel obliged to remain.

This is happening all over the world as evangelists and pastors are playing the number game, and not looking at the quality of their people. The foundational truths about sin, judgment, repentance, confession of sin, faith, denying oneself and following Jesus, etc., are not preached, and the message people hear is, "All are welcome!" They don't see their need to be born again, baptised, filled with the Holy Spirit and grow. They have been brought to the water, but they are not thirsty!

God looks for messengers who will speak the truth and who are keen to ensure that people hear it clearly, even if it brings down numbers. Jesus knew there would be only a few who would find life (Mt.7:13,14). How sad He must be when He sees people planning to convert whole nations and neglecting spiritual food!

Pointers are available in YouTube audio from #789.

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