Pastor on the web
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Hello and welcome. I am a trained Christian counsellor with three advanced levels of training, and a psychologist with a master's degree in counselling and psychotherapy. I am also a Christian with many years of life with the Lord and years of study of the Bible and Christian books. I normally counsel individuals and couples face to face, but I have started this page to offer a long term relationship over the internet as a shepherd or a Christian mentor to people who lack that opportunity with a real person in your locality.
Pastoring (shepherding) / mentoring in the sense I have in mind, is a long term process with commitment from the shepherd as well as the counselee. Together we would be going through different aspects of life that need attention. This would mean keeping in touch regularly and discussing about the spiritual, psychological and relational issues you face. I would ask questions that cause you to think and look deeper inside, and seek God for answers and help. The more openly you share with me, the quicker you can expect to get results.
When you write, start by describing your background and telling me what kind of help you need from me. Of course, what you share with me will be kept confidential. Form. We may also consider 'meeting' over Skype if found necessary and convenient.
On the other hand, if you would like to only receive counsel as a short term exchange, you can contact me through my counsel page