Videos on YouTube.
The kindness and severity of God
Our choices make the difference
The Importance of Balancing Grace and Accountability
The old man, the flesh and the cross
Our relationship with the Bible
Neglecting such a great salvation!
Which is the faith that saves?
Something missing in our gospel
False gospels and the faltering church
What is the image of God in us?
Why I believe Calvinism is heretical
Christian premarital counselling
The challenge of biblical creation
'Three wrong but common ideas'
'The battle belongs to the Lord'
Who can be a disciple of Jesus?
Our response decides our growth
Why isn't the Christian life comfortable?
Temptations must not lead us to sin
How can a God of grace punish people?
When spiritual authority crosses a line
Selection criteria for leaders
The twists and turns of our mind
Three levels of Christian life
Protect ourselves from the world
Do we count ourselves righteous?
Seeing grace in Romans 7 and 8
Understanding the grace of God
Brothers with differences of opinion
Being in Christ and following Him
Comfort for Christians with questions
Christian, what do you think about the Bible?
The tussle between law and grace
Believers, followers and disciples
'Pointers along the way' on YouTube.
#790 Going on with Jesus
#792 Conviction of sin
#793 The kingdom of God
#795 Gifts and calling
#797 Serving the King
#798 The curse of nominal Christianity
#799 Answers to prayer
#800 What is grace?
#801 Walking together?
#802 Through suffering
#804 John's baptism
#806 Conviction of faith
#807 How do we understand salvation?
#808 Grace and victory
#809 Imperfect servants of God
#810 Condemnation is sometimes good
#811 Power from above
#812 Christianity based on personal opinions?
#813 Enduring in trial
#815 Offended with God?
#816 Overdoing humility
#817 Wisdom from above
#820 So, you don't want to be a Pharisee!
#822 To speak as the Father teaches
#824 Consequences
#825 Excuses
#826 Tied to the past
#827 Looking through coloured glasses
#828 Declaring the whole
#829 Grace is not a cover
#832 "If My people..."
#833 Can I do all things through Christ?
#834 The value of faithfulness
#835 Why do people resist God?
#836 The blessing of forgiveness
#837 Hypocrites will be exposed
#839 Applying the truth
#840 When God gives up on some
#842 The basis of our standing with God
#843 The gap between the mind and the body
#844 God's love and the narrow gate
#845 How we see ourselves
#846 Clash of ministries
#847 Walking in the fear of God
#848 Walking with God
#850 How God uses Satan
#851 Why pray?
#852 Are you being made whole?
#854 Political thinking
#856 The problem with the church
#857 A crash course in godliness
#858 We are just voices
#859 Ananias and Sapphira today
#860 Misplaced ambitions
#861 Only believe vs. obedience
#862 Baptised into death
#863 Can faith save us?
#865 What is victory?
#866 Superficial faith
#870 Counterfeit victory
#871 COVID and unanswered questions
#872 Young Christian girls going wrong
#873 Happy festival, RIP, etc.
#874 Incomplete prayer
#875 Is God in everyone?
#876 One test for spiritual growth
#880 If we don't love the truth
#882 The hardness of our heart
#883 Praying with burden
#884 Job description, not title
#887 Our will
#888 Standing on the shoulders of giants
#889 Restoration to God
#890 The man with just one talent
#891 God's bigger plan
#892 Sympathy for our weaknesses
#893 Claiming to be wise
#895 Faith cannot ignore reality
#896 A man who seeks God
#897 Are you bound to the church or God?
#900 Our sinful response
#901 Misplaced zeal
#902 Discerning between soul and spirit
#903 Curing the sickness or the symptom?
#905 Why grace should not be hyped
#906 Living under a higher law
#907 Why did Paul speak in tongues?
#909 Making sense of God
#910 Experiencing more of salvation
#911 The sieve we use
#913 Eve and Satan today
#914 Knowledge based Christians
#915 Our challenge in dealing with others
#918 Faithful with money
#919 Love God or people?
#920 Waiting for things to change
#921 The circumcision of the heart
#924 When they say peace and safety
#926 Dead to the Law
#927 Going to extremes
#928 Sanctification God's work or ours?
#929 Magic stuff Christians do
#930 Healed through His wounds
#931 Wish, hope, faith
#932 The voice of the shepherd
#934 Where the Bible is silent
#935 Our choice matters
#936 The Holy Spirit and the world
#937 Jesus in our context
#939 The essentials of conversion
#940 Looking for religious solutions
#941 What we consider as virtue
#942 Exaggerating the work of God
#943 Decent sinners
#945 When a brother sins
#946 The law of the Spirit of life
#947 Will God heal?
#948 Is our heart in our ministry?
#949 Doctrines based on proof texts
#950 Do we have to get baptised?
#951 Are we indeed dead to sin?
#952 Justice versus forgiveness
#953 A wrong way to interpret the Bible
#954 The greatest gift to the children
#956 God is not like us
#957 Made for man
#959 Taking forgiveness for granted?
#960 God will always be righteous
#961 The secret tunnel to victory
#962 Why does God want our worship?
#963 A lot depends on us
#964 Receiving a ministry from God
#965 A believer and sin
#967 Make sure you are truly a Christian
#968 If we stop learning
#969 When scientists went wrong
#970 The word or the One who spoke it
#971 Extreme responses
#972 The Gospel replaced
#973 Each one of us
#974 The real reason
#976 Why do people get offended with Jesus?
#977 Cannot get away with compromise
#978 Grace vs. works
#979 The immediate cost of sin
#981 If we love Jesus
#983 Leaving all battles to the Lord?
#984 Disproportionate reactions
#985 Practical perfection
#986 Unreasonable debates
#987 When intellectuals stray from God
#988 A form of godliness
#991 Make-believe is not faith
#992 Doctrinal differences, big and small
#993 Believers without wedding dress
#995 Are you a progressive Christian?
#996 If we pretend to ourselves
#997 What we think of ourselves
#999 Being subject to one another
#1000 Forgiveness
#1001 Hearing God's call
#1002 God's laws on our heart
#1003 Who are chosen?
#1004 Conversion is not complete until
#1005 Boys and girls growing up
#1006 Jesus remains faithful
#1007 Checking with reality
#1008 Has God shut His eyes to our sins?
#1009 Free from the wrath of God
#1010 Really, what is repentance?
#1011 Real freedom from law
#1012 Our inner quest
#1013 Stay out of danger
#1014 Trust vs. understanding
#1015 Only acknowledge your sin
#1016 The rich and the needle's eye
#1017 If you can't forgive someone
#1018 Milk and meat
#1019 "I don't have enough faith for that"
#1020 Playing tricks with our mind
#1021 Part time Christians
#1022 When godly virtues clash
#1023 Take responsibility
#1024 Purifying servants of God
#1025 There's no standard Christian experience
#1026 When we are not so sure
#1027 Taking up our cross
#1028 Leaving it to God
#1029 Falling away from God
#1030 The spiritual Christian vs. the natural
#1031 Leaders who won't judge!
#1032 God's word and our opinions
#1033 The goal that drives a Christian
#1034 I will never leave you
#1035 Called and chosen
#1036 Faith is a much misunderstood word
#1037 Entering into God's rest
#1038 Are we getting stagnant?
#1039 Entering into light
#1040 Confusion about repentance
#1041 Jesus didn't come for the righteous
#1042 Overlooking a transgression
#1043 The great omission
#1044 False prophets are popular!
#1045 When there is conflict
#1046 Victory made simple
#1047 Forks in the road
#1048 The essence of conversion
#1049 Faith and works
#1050 Our wedding dress
#1051 You don't have to stay down
#1052 Conscious and unconscious sin
#1053 Serving with dignity
#1054 Willing to be corrected
#1055 Why no spiritual progress?
#1056 Dealing with condemnation
#1057 The most crucial decision
#1058 Responding to correction
#1059 So far as it depends on you
#1060 Judging ourselves
#1061 Going super spiritual
#1062 Looking for the Messiah
#1063 Bearing fruit
#1064 Confusion about salvation
#1065 Taking a horse to the water
#1066 Does baptism save us?
#1067 Who can throw stones?
#1068 Reading the Bible legalistically
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