Comfort & Counsel
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Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am Jacob Ninan, a retired Bible teacher and a Christian counsellor. Over the years, my aim in writing articles and recording messages was to look at practical aspects of the Christian life and also to try and eliminate error in doctrine and practice. I have placed here all my articles, books and links to YouTube messages for you to receive and be blessed.

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YouTube videos

These are my books.

My books
'The practical Christian life' and 'Authority - use and misuse' are available as audio books on my YouTube channel.

New release
Path to inner healing
Path to inner healing
Traumatic experiences in the past may have caused us to develop unhealthy strategies for life which will actually hurt us more. This book shows you how to receive healing from God. This can be downloaded freely. PDF version epub version  mobi version. Read online Audio book

Christian premarital counselling
A detailed introduction to the married life, for those engaged to be married. It is also a useful reference to married people.
Text Or Video


Articles.Bible studies, general articles related to Christian life and counsel, articles on marriage counselling, answers to frequently asked questions, Q&A related to counsel, editorials in the Light of Life magazine. Go to articles page.

Here is the link YouTube to my YouTube channel for video/audio messages. Audio messaages are also available from the jnaudio channel on Telegram Telegram

Article of the week: The Importance of Balancing Grace and Accountability

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions is a group of Bible based articles giving answers to many common questions that people have about issues related to doctrines and practical life. Click here

Pointers along the way'Pointers along the way' (Weekly devotionals that make you think) are brief messages on some aspect of practical Christian truth that I have prepared once a week from 2005. You can read the old pointers on this web site. New. Pointers 1-1000 are available as e-books in 10 volumes for free download as PDF! From #789, an audio version is also available on YouTube.

The latest Pointer
Pointers along the way #1048
The essence of conversion

Weekly Read the message
Listen to it on YouTube.
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Old Pointers

Listen to the Pointers along the way podcast

Subscribe to 'Pointers along the way' podcast

Ponder along the way
Ponder along the way

Footsteps along the way
Video messages
Our relationship with the Bible
Listen to it on YouTube

'The Great Bible Story' (Daily) is a series covering the major Bible narratives written in simple words to introduce busy readers to the Bible. You can read them on this web site, or download the ebook in epub, mobi or pdf format. Click here.

Understanding the Bible
  Understanding the Bible - for ordinary Christians is a book for those who want to know in simple terms how to interpret passages in the Bible. This has become very crucial in the presence of many wrong teachings that are going on around us. This is available for reading online, free download as a PDF fileEPUB fileMOBI file Audio book and for purchase as a Kindle e-book. Click here read it online.

Understanding the Bible
  Understanding the Bible - and where people go wrong is a revision of the earlier book including examples of how people go wrong in interpreting the Bible and forming doctrines. This is available for purchase from the publisher, Person to Person (PtP) Institute for Christian Counselling. Audio book

The Practical Christian Life
The Practical Christian Life (read it online) is a book for every Christian who wants to learn about the doctrinal basis for the practical aspects of the life God has prepared for us and how we can get to experience them. Download PDF file EPUB file MOBI file Audio book.

Authority - use and misuse
Authority - use and misuse (read it online) is a book for everyone – with authority over others or under others in authority. A biblical look at what the right way is to deal with our situations. PDF file EPUB file MOBI file Audio book

Pointers along the way
Pointers along the way A collection of 1000 weekly devotionals that make you think. Compiled over many years.

External links. A very large number of external links related to biblical studies, Q&A, counsel, etc.
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